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Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials are an integral part of Bellaire Dermatology since 2003. We are part of a select group of private practices nationwide that have been hand-selected to offer patients access to the newest cutting-edge medications and treatments currently in their final stages of development ranging from medical, cosmetic to devices. Our team is specializing in studies for pediatrics and adults.

There are many benefits to participating in a clinical trial. Clinical trials are a great option for qualifying patients that may not have insurance, cannot afford medication, or are seeking alternative treatment options. Our team is able to offer bilingual speaking services to patients needing Spanish translation. If you or a loved one may benefit from treatment from the studies below, please reach out to our team!

Now Enrolling for the following Clinical Research Trials:

  • Hair Loss/Alopecia Areata (Ages 18 – 64) Up to 3 years
  • Male Pattern Baldness (Male Only) Ages 18-60
  • Eczema (Ages 18-64) 32 Week Study
  • Hidradenitis Suppurativa (Ages 18 & up) 52 Week Study
  • Hidradenitis Suppurativa (Ages 12 and up) 68 Week Study
  • Masseteric Hypertrophy (Jaw Clenching) (Ages 18 and up) 1 Year Study
  • Psoriasis (Ages 18-Up) 56 Week Study

Enrolling Soon:


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